Making flashcards
Well it has been a week or so since my last post. This time I will talk about how I make my flashcards for my school and what I have done in the past. When I worked at the Elementary school, I would use their cutter machine to cut pieces of cardboard to about the size of playing cards. Next I would search the internet(check my links page from my website for colorful and easy to understand pictures for whatever vocab I happened to be teaching. I always wish I could just draw what I needed but in that way, I have zero artistic talent, especially when it comes to drawing. Anyway, once I find the pictures, I use Word to make them the proper size and print them out. I prefer color as in the case of my old company (an Eikaiwa in Japan), the pictures were black and white, boring, and quite often visually confusing. For example, a picture of a stream had a big bridge on it so the students assumed it meant bridge, but it was supposed to be stream. This is when knowing Japanese comes in handy, you can check their understanding.
That was the old way, the flashcards would last about 20-30 classes. The next generation flashcards I make were MUCH more durable. I use the same steps but I use a laminator to keep the cars nice and new-looking for a long time. Kids tend to want to bend them, but I obviously do not let them do this.
Quite simple, but effective I think. The cards are not see-through so you can use them for shinkeisuijyaku (concentration), which is very popular or any other game your creative mind can think up.
That was the old way, the flashcards would last about 20-30 classes. The next generation flashcards I make were MUCH more durable. I use the same steps but I use a laminator to keep the cars nice and new-looking for a long time. Kids tend to want to bend them, but I obviously do not let them do this.
Quite simple, but effective I think. The cards are not see-through so you can use them for shinkeisuijyaku (concentration), which is very popular or any other game your creative mind can think up.