Thursday, December 7, 2006

My kids' class formula

I recently had a few people ask me about teaching kids English and what I do so why not put in on my blog?

So anyway, my kid system , like all the systems at my school, are composites of all the places I worked, and all the experience I have on what works and what doesn't( for me anyway).

So my classes are 50 minutes long, quite long enough. they study at Elementary school for 45 minutes so this works well I think. The first 5 minutes is a review game. I use quite a few so I will not go into detail here.

After that, I do some kind of alphabet practice. Younger kids start with writing practice always with words connected to that word "A for apple, B for banana etc.". Older kids do phonics, short a sound, long a sound etc. This all takes about 15-25 minutes.

The next activity involves the new vocab for the day. It is always introduced and students repeat it (lots of ways for that) and then we play a game where they must USE the new vocab they learned. I am never harsh with students if they forget the words of course, I often use the same set of words over 2-3 lessons and never introduce more than 10 words in one lesson. After they learn the words to my satisfaction, I might even teach them a Q and A set to use. (especially with older students). I always start with simple games where speed is not important, it is just to get them to use and remember the word. After they feel comfortable with the new vocab I might do a game where the fastest students gets the point. But be careful with these games, especially young kids (say under 8 years old or so) , they tend to get frustrated an upset if they can not get a point at all. This is where its best to know your weak students and even slyly stack the game in their favor somehow.(If your doing karuta , for example, call out cards closer to the weak student so they have the advantage to get first).

And that usually takes me to the end of 50 minutes. I try to end on something fun but not too wild, otherwise they do not want to leave the classroom!

As for materials, I use some textbooks, workbooks, Internet printouts, and even books I bought in America(which my 2 year old niece was using!) . Kids are quite rewarding as they learn new material so fast and are so eager to learn. They often pick up commands I use just naturally like "one more time" "last time" "upside down" .

What are your experiences? Anyone up for sharing?


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